Online Parenting Resources
Online Parenting Resources
There are many places on the internet to find parenting advice and information. These are a few we think are particularly good.
Autism Society
Improving the lives of all affected by autism.
Building Family Assets
Ideas for building on the strengths of your family, from the Search Institute.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Checklists and informational brochures on developmental milestones, ages 0 – 6 years. English & Spanish.
Center for Effective Parenting
Handouts for parents on topics in three main age ranges: Early Childhood, School-age Childhood, and Parental Involvement in Education (handouts are available in English & Spanish).
Cerebral Palsy Treatment Guide
A national organization that helps families and individuals affected by cerebral palsy.
Circle of Parents
A network of parent-led self-help groups.
Connect Safely
(Smart Socializing Starts Here) – Multiple resources on the safe use of fixed and mobile social media.
Corvallis-Benton County Library’s - 1000 Books before Kindergarten
Find new parenting books, reading suggestions, and online parenting resources.
Essentials for Parenting Toddlers and Preschoolers
A Center for Disease Control and Prevention website for parents of young children.
Growing Child, Inc.
Subscribe to age-based newsletters.
Grandparents Raising Grandchildren
Information and links to assistance
Harvard Center on the Developing Child
Science-based resources for improving outcomes for children
Keep Connected
Parenting resources from the Search Institute
IMPACT on Health and Wellness
Offers information and tips that parents can use to fit into their own lives, and shares information that is valuable to the wider world of family health and wellness.
La Leche League of Oregon
Breastfeeding education, information, support, and encouragement. Online help, local group meetings. (English & Spanish).
Mom Enough®
Parent Forum.
One Tough Job
parent resources from the Children’s Trust Fund of Massachusetts (English and Spanish).
Oregon Department of Human Services
ODHS helps families find benefits and services from the state of Oregon for children, families, older adults, and people with disabilities.
Parenting Grandchildren
Oregon State University Extension Service resources for grandparents raising grandchildren.
Raising Teens Project
Distills 300 research studies into Ten Tasks of Adolescent Development and Five Basics of Parenting Adolescents, including key messages and strategies for parents.
Reach Out Oregon!
A free online resource for parents raising a child experiencing mental health challenges. Navigating resources and supports for our children is often challenging and can be confusing. Provides support by phone, chat, email and Facebook messaging. As parents ourselves, we know that sometimes it’s important to be able to talk with someone who has been in your shoes. REACH OUT OREGON staff and volunteers are well trained and here to help!
School Readiness Interactive Birth to 3
An interactive learning tool designed to help parents and caregivers encourage their young children’s early learning.
Free messages each week on your cell phone to help you through your pregnancy and your baby’s first year.
Tips for Dads
Resources, tips, and activities for Dads. National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse
A phone or computer app or written materials with ideas to boost early learning; use everyday moments to nurture your child’s growing mind. Every parent has what it takes to be a brain builder.
Young Adult Development Project
Research and parenting resources on development between the years of 18 to 25, distilled by the MIT Center for Work, Family and Personal Life.
Zero to Three
National Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families. Find free parent brochures & guides, including handouts in English & Spanish.
Kindergarten Readiness brochure
See what you can do to help prepare your children for Kindergarten.
Parenting Guide to Divorce
Advice for helping children through family changes resulting from divorce.