Time to Register for Fall Parenting Classes

September 5, 2023
As the kids head back to school, a new school year has begun. What better time to join a parenting class and support your important role as a parent? Now is the time to register!

Should you make New Years' Resolutions?

January 9, 2023
Many of us see the new year as an opportunity to look back at what we have done and look forward to what we want to do in the coming year. Goal setting and making new years’ resolutions are often a part of that process. But should you?

Parent Coaching Available for parents in Lincoln, Benton & Linn Counties

August 4, 2022
Parenting is hard and kids don't come with instructions! Parent Coaching offers one-on-one assistance to make parenting successful for your family. 

She's Not Me

April 18, 2018


February 14, 2018