Family Promise of Lincoln County
ReConnections Counseling
Lincoln County, Online
Nurturing Parenting-Prenatal Families
~Featured Class~
Nurturing Parenting – Prenatal Families
Lincoln City & Online- Jan 3 – February 28, 2023
Develop positive prenatal parenting skills by learning to take good care of yourself, promote the growth of empathy, and build a safe, healthy, and caring home environment.
Without a doubt, parenting your baby with nurturing during pregnancy is one of the most important things you can do to help your baby grow in body, mind, and character. In this class, families will develop positive prenatal parenting skills by learning to take good care of themselves, promote the growth of empathy, and build a safe, healthy, and caring home environment.
Key topics include:
- Nutrition
- Developmental Milestones
- Brain Development
- Self-care
- Partner Care
- Handling Stress
- Empathy and Compassion
- Child Guidance
- Winter 2023
- Lincoln County, Online
- Winter 2023
- Lincoln County, Online