1. Time Out on Time Outs

    Time outs have endured as a go-to method for parents who are faced with behavior issues in their kids. I have encountered many parents who have a plan for how […]

  2. Go Play Outside

    I moved to Oregon 12 years ago. I’ve been married for 11 of those years, and a parent for 10, so it’s worked out well for me. I love a […]

  3. Freedom From Choice

    In our culture, we associate freedom with choice. In many cases, freedom of choice has turned into freedom as choice. But this freedom can become overwhelming; in fact, it can […]

  4. More on the Cell Phone Thing

    Last week I wrote about my attempts to use my smartphone responsibly around my children. It makes sense to address the other side of this issue. Though my eldest daughter […]

  5. The Real Social Media

    Here’s what I hope my children don’t say about me when they’re older: “But he was always on his phone.” I am of an age. I went off to college […]

  6. On Chores

    There are a lot of ways to present chores to kids. They can be tied to an allowance or to other privileges, and this is fairly common. But I would […]

  7. The Daddy Date, and Other Sacred Spaces

    As our kids get older, a lot of things may start to place themselves between them and their family. Their social circle extends ever further beyond their home and their […]

  8. The Talk

    Not to alarm you or anything, but it has become increasingly common for girls to enter puberty at an earlier age. There is a great deal of speculation about why […]

  9. Teaching Kindness

    This week’s guest post is by featured contributor Tanya Pritt. We hope that you find it useful and look forward to future posts from Tanya.   I have always been […]