1. On Chores, Revisited

    A couple years ago I wrote about our first attempt to institute chores for the family. In that article, I described how my wife and I had decided to approach […]

  2. The Power of Sharing With Other Parents

    This week’s post is by featured contributor Esther Schiedel. We hope you enjoy it and, as always, we look forward to future posts by Esther.  I remember facilitating a group […]

  3. How to Have a Marriage Meeting

    Being married is hard. That’s one of those statements whose truthiness gets lost in the repetition, like “they grow up so fast” and “even bad pizza is pretty good.” I […]

  4. On Peanuts, Truth, and Other Stuff

    Earlier this month, the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases (say that three times fast) released new guidelines for the prevention of peanut allergy in children. These guidelines were […]

  5. Transitions

    A couple of recent changes have come to our house. One is that my wife, in addition to her full-time homeschooling duties, has been leaving town every other weekend to […]

  6. Some Thoughts for MLK Day

    My habit of listening to podcasts, while driving or while doing the dishes, is usually fruitful (in case you were wondering, I’m a longtime user of Stitcher). But sometimes I […]

  7. Parent as Accessory

    As parents, we want to be able to talk to our children: to give advice, impart discipline, encourage and challenge, and teach them. As they become teenagers we may find […]

  8. Climbing Streaked Mountain

    This week’s post is by featured contributor Esther Schiedel. We hope you enjoy it and, as always, we look forward to future posts by Esther.  I had a bit of […]

  9. Kitchen Think

    I had one of those moments the other day. I had asked my eleven-year-old to help prepare lunch, something involving the stove and the broiler, and was giving her instructions […]

  10. The Food Post

    If there’s anything to get one in mind of food in families, it’s Thanksgiving. Don’t worry: I’m not going to offer advice about how to present leftovers in endless combinations […]