1. Try This One Weird Trick When You Parent!

    I have always been amused by those cheap and vaguely disreputable-looking ads that appear at the bottom of the screen on websites. You know, the ones that exhort you to […]

  2. An Invitation

    Psst. Hey. Ever thought of taking a parenting class? Why would you do such a thing? For many who do, the answer is that someone has said you’ve gotta. That’s […]

  3. A Beautiful Life

    Long-time readers (I like to think that I have one) will remember when I raved about some of my favorite authors of children’s books. Well, recently I came across this […]

  4. How Not to Disappear Completely

    In the great film Winter’s Bone, a girl (played by a pre-Katniss Jennifer Lawrence), is desperately trying to pass on her knowledge of hunting, food preparation, and other basic survival […]

  5. Play By Play

    Here is something that kids should be doing more of: Playing. At school they need to double down on: Recess. Don’t worry, I’m not about to suggest that they should […]

  6. Growth Mind-what?

    All this research going on in neuroscience is pretty, ahem, mind-blowing. Some of the latest studies on student achievement are focused on what is called a child’s “mindset:” their beliefs […]

  7. Giving in to Self-Care

    Are you taking care of yourself? This question, along with the equally earnest “So what do you do for fun,” never fails to elicit a guffaw of disbelief from parents […]

  8. Screens Revisited

    It’s time to raise my quarterly alarm about the effects of screen time on children. Don’t worry, I’ve already laid the basic foundation of ranting, so I won’t get into […]

  9. Three Scenes

    Here’s a specific problem that has been coming up for me lately, at work and at home. I thought I’d find out more about it and share it with you. […]

  10. Well, That Happened

    …And it was just as amazing as advertised. Really, how often does that happen these days? Now that we are back in full daylight (a day that does not look […]